Monday, October 24, 2005

The Problem

There is a big problem with scheduling your only important tutorial for a Wednesday. At first it seems like an ingenious plan; you get both ends of the week to work, and if you want to travel you have the option of a long weekend. At least this was my line of reasoning.

However, their are unanticipated dangers with this seemingly intelligent plan. Once you get done with the tutorial on Wednesday you think to yourself, "Yay! Done with work and time to relax." This sense of accomplishment extends into Thursday, and then it is Friday, and who wants to work on Friday night? Saturday is used to wander the city and get groceries and some tea, and then your friends will propose a once in a lifetime plan for Saturday night. This plan keeps you out way too late, and then Sunday is spent sleeping and trying to remember what it was you were supposed to be doing. Before you know it is Monday and you have a tutorial in two days and no reading done and no paper written and you think to yourself, "What in the world was I thinking?"


Blogger Matthew Anderson said...


I only think this is funny because I perpetually put myself in the exact same conundrum. It sucks.

10:20 PM  

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