Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My Grammar, Myself

Without paragraph breaks my writing would be a mess. Paragraphs break each thought into a lovely, organized package. When I am done with a thought I just take a break, and move on.

Just like that. My life needs paragraph breaks. Wouldn't it be great? After finishing a moment in life you pause, take a step away, and start anew. Each life moment would conveniently build on the next, with no confusion, muddling, mixing, or smearing. We would be a race of pause takers and much anxiety and cosmic multi-tasking would cease.

Paragraph breaks are one of the major reasons why writing is therapeutic. When everything around you seems to be spinning, you are forced to find at least enough organization or meaning in the madness to write in paragraphs.

If this isn't the case, and it seems impossible to form paragraphs as you sit down to write, then maybe you need to reevaluate your thought process and life patterns. Is a life devoid of the ability to write paragraphs worth living? Maybe the paragraph isn't just a pillar of grammatical process, it is a gauge with which to judge the quality of your existence.

Now I just wish I was able to convince my 7th grade students the vital importance of their grammar lessons...


Blogger brian said...

i think that this is a profound insight, and a good piece of writing.

how are your blinds? up still?

12:41 AM  
Blogger Cate said...

yep! And I put the second one up all by myself! They look great.

8:53 AM  

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