I'm not really sure what a Meme is, but Andrew tagged me, so here it goes.
Four Jobs I Have Had:
1. Snackbar Attendant (so fun, and so much free junk food)
2. Horseback riding instructor (the horses are more fun than the students)
3. Assistant Office Manager at EIP
4. Library Inventory-er and Organizer for a Private School
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Pride and Prejudice (the long one, not the romance novel version)
2. Enchanted April
3. Wallace and Grommit
4. You've Got Mail
Four Books I Could Read Over and Over:
1. Little Women
2. Winnie the Pooh (it is so peaceful)
3. Wooster and Jeeves Novels
4. Dorothy Sayers essay on Classical Education (I love it!)
Four Places I Have Lived:
1. San Jaun Capistrano, CA (You know, in the OC)
2. Temecula, CA (Where there are NO Wigwams)
3. La Mirada, CA
4. Oxford, UK
Four TV Shows I Watch:
1. Friends
2. Dancing with the Stars (It is awesome, Abigail)
3. Wooster and Jeeves (do BBC tv shows on DVD count? I think so)
4. Lost by default, since it is on ALL THE TIME at our house
Four Places I Have Been on Vacation:
1. Hawaii (three times)
2. Italy
3. Williamsburg, VA (that's what you call an educational vacation)
4. Park City and Salt Lake, UT (returning to the Mormon roots)
Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. Ryan's blog
2. Abigail's Blog
3. Kathy's Blog
4. The rest of my friend's blogs
Four Favorite Foods:
1. Pizza
2. Chocolate
3. Sandwiches (especially tuna!!)
4. Pad Thai
Four Places I'd Like to be Right Now:
1. Ummm, Italy, I guess. That's all
Four Bloggers I'm Tagging:
1. Kathy Tabris
2. Abigail Schilling
3. Ryan Schaffner
4. Matthew Langford