Sunday, April 23, 2006


Hello Blog. I'm sorry I haven't written, but it isn't personal. I haven't done anything, really. No homework, no excercise, nothing. You see, I am in denial. Denial that there are only four weeks left in my senior year; denial that I have enough work to fill the next four months.

This is all going to change, blog. I am starting tomorrow on a firey trail of mad success. There will be homework, there will be protein, there will be early to bed early to rise, there will be a gym, there will be the writing of the thesis, and there will be success. I hope.

I need this, Blog. I need things to be different, better; I need things to work. It would be nice to have a life that works again. I might even find the time to write on this blog. If not, I'll see you in June.


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